RV Maintenance: Take it Outside!

If your RV maintenance has mostly focused on checking the water lines, an engine tune-up and airing up the tires, you are well on your way to a well-preserved vehicle. Now, it’s time to take it outside and see what needs to be done to preserve the appearance and travel integrity of your RV. Here are some steps you will want to include:

Begin with a Hose: Use your hose to spray down the outside of your RV. You’ll clear off mud, debris and cobwebs, giving you a clearer picture of what RV maintenance needs to be completed. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the process of cleaning and repairing a large RV, consider sectioning your vehicle into thirds or quarters, focusing solely on one area at a time.

Clean the Awning: When it’s time to clean the awning, it can be tricky to reach every area. If you remove the legs, you’ll have a flat, reachable surface, as well as a hard surface behind it to allow you to scrub where needed.

Check for Leaks: It’s a good idea to look at all seals to see if any could be loose or cracked from sun exposure.

Scrub Streaks: Black streaks. They seem to come out of nowhere, but every RV owner has scrubbed at them. Use a cleaner specified for RV exterior maintenance, then use a soft brush to scrub off the streak.

Use the Right Products: You may be tempted to reach for the dish soap and rags, but there are products made to lengthen the life of your RV’s exterior. Use a fiberglass rubbing compound to clean stains and restore the luster to your RV’s finish. For graphics, think about using a graphic wax made specifically for preserving the quality and integrity of your graphics.

In addition, there are waxes and shine protection that will lengthen the life of your RV’s finish, with protection sometimes lasting up to three years.

Lubricate Hinges: Check your doors, slide-outs and locks for squeaky hinges or parts that need lubricating. Squeaks are annoying, but lubrication also reduces stress and extends the life of your parts.

Cover Exterior Vents: If this is your last road trip for the season, it’s a good idea to cover the exterior vents to prevent critters from making your RV their vacation home.

RV maintenance can come with a long list, so it’s good to know when it’s time to call in a professional. At Gray Diesel and Equipment Services, we can lighten your load and give you more time to enjoy your RV. Contact us today!