Preventative maintenance can seem like a never-ending, time-consuming part of operating a diesel truck. Each past scheduled appointment feels like yesterday, and yet you’ve got another one coming up tomorrow.
But there are good reasons to include preventative maintenance in your planning. Here are a few of them:
Resale Value: Not only will preventative maintenance keep your diesel truck in top operating condition, but you’ll have a beautiful log of consistent service to show to a potential buyer.
Minor Problems Stay Small: A skilled diesel technician knows what to look for and how your diesel truck should look and sound when it’s running well. When doing routine service on your truck, they can spot a small problem and help you address it before it becomes a large, costly problem. This keeps your truck operating and on the road.
Emergencies are Expensive: It’s not just the time your truck is off the road. It’s the towing, the repair itself and the way small hassles like paying invoices and coordinating the rerouting of your deliveries or hauling can add up.
Your Truck Runs Better: The ultimate goal is a diesel truck that runs efficiently. Continued maintenance can improve fuel efficiency by up to 10%.
Your diesel technician will have recommendations about what types of maintenance you should prioritize, but there are some basics that tend to be universal:
Making time and scheduling preventative maintenance is probably the biggest hurdle in prolonging the life of your diesel truck. It gets easier when you make an appointment with Gray Diesel & Equipment Services!